If it is semi-permanent, will it disappear completely?

This is a common misconception. Permanent makeup requires infrequent maintenance. Fading of your tattoo will happen slowly over time and may get to a point where it is undetectable by you, but there are no guarantees. In order to maintain its color, shape and detail, refresh appointments are needed. The length of time and condition of fading is unique to the individual - variables to consider are lifestyle choices, skin health/integrity, use of skin care products, age and also techniques/technology within the cosmetic tattoo industry. For most people, their tattoo will last between 1-3 years before booking a refresh.


Does it hurt?

Everyone has a different level of sensitivity, so there is no exact answer to this question. However, there are a few specific things that typically increase pain and sensitivity: 

Being on, about to start or just ending your menstrual cycle. It is advised to schedule your SPMU appointments around this.

Fibromyalgia. It is advised to speak with your Doctor and your artist to determine whether this will cause undue sensitivity to procedures.

Being a frequent smoker or sunbather. This may cause the local anesthetics used during the treatment to not last as long.

A topical anesthetic is typically applied before if needed and during the treatment to alleviate pain and/or discomfort. Lips tend to be the most sensitive area, compared to brows and eyes. Brow SPMU clients will usually feel more sensitivity in one brow - that is normal. We play music during the procedure; however, we highly encourage clients to bring their earphones to listen to their music or podcast.

I have heard some clients just do not retain pigment even after a few visits. Could this happen? 

Yes, it does happen and yes, it's true! Some clients need more than one perfecting session. We typically ask that clients contact us 4 weeks post procedure to let us know if they would like to schedule another. There are a variety of reasons someone may not retain pigment well or fade more quickly. Their skin may be oily or react to the trauma of the tattooing, and the skin may try to push out the foreign body of pigment by producing an extreme scab, so that they eventually fall off taking all the pigment with it. This can be a result of a condition called Pigment Allergy (PPD Allergy, a condition known by dermatologists) or of autoimmune disease symptoms (which the client may not even be aware of). These can cause the skin to overreact and become super sensitive to the pigment, rejecting it at any cost.

Do I need a touch up?

Touch ups are highly recommended. Due to the uniqueness of each individual and the superficial nature of the tattoo itself, touch ups provide an opportunity to assess how your skin responds to the procedure. Touch ups provide an opportunity to make any adjustments necessary while also lengthening the longevity of your tattoo. These sessions are not included in the initial price and need to be booked between 6-12 weeks from the time of your first session.

How do I proceed if I have previous work done by another artist?

Previous work can be tricky. The current state of your tattoo, and understanding your expectations will help your artist offer advise and help achieve the desired result. All coverups must be pre-approved before booking. Please send a photo in natural light via the contact page on this website.

I already have permanent makeup and want to change the shape. Can you help?

This varies depending on how faded our previous work is and will require you to send in a consultation with photos. In some cases you may even need to come in for an in-person consult. Any work done by another artist (no matter how faded) is considered a correction and is $100 more on top of the initial price Ombre Powder Brows. Reason being is that it requires more work to reshape and most likely color correct your old work.

How do I extend the life of the procedure?

Your beautiful eyebrows will last longer if you apply sunblock often and avoid abrasive facial treatments or any type of retinol products in the brow area.

What can’t I do after the procedure?

You are advised to keep the skin clean and dry - that means no swimming, sweating or otherwise getting the area wet; no tanning or prolonged sun exposure. No picking, peeling, scratching or rubbing the tattoo - this may result in a loss of color and scarring. You can still wash your hair and face; once they’re healed up, you treat them as your own. For in-depth aftercare please visit the Prep & Aftercare link in the navigation bar.

Can you guarantee your work?

Unfortunately, we cannot. How the skin will react is different for everyone and many factors are to be taken into consideration. Skin type, age, scarring, diet, stress levels, facial products used, etc. all play a key role in how the pigment will hold, which is why it is important to know that more than one touch up may be required. We can guarantee that your face is important to us and that we will act in accordance with our experience and expertise to give you our absolute best. We can guarantee that we will strive to make you gratified and content every time. But there are no guarantees in this industry. Please think long and hard before you decide to go for it.

What is the process like?

  • Eyebrow tattooing is a two-step treatment, consisting of an initial procedure and then a touch up between 6 to 8 weeks after. Here is the agenda that you can expect for your appointment.If given permission before photos will be taken.

  • We will then draw the brow design in pencil so you get an idea of shape and form. Please note that nobody's face is totally symmetrical and you need to be realistic with your expectations. There is no point in trying to make the eyebrows identical or match a photo of your favorite celebrities' eyebrows if your face shape looks nothing like theirs.

  • Once we have agreed on a final shape (ultimately it is your decision – but we will always voice my opinion on what we think suits you aesthetically) we will clean the hairs outside of the outline, then decide on the color.

  • Shortly after that a topical anesthetic may be administered to ensure comfort (Sometimes it will go after the first pass for retention reasons).

  • The pigment is then deposited. During healing, it's normal to experience some pigment loss; this is why we have the touch up in place.

  • Afterwards, your artist will go over aftercare with you as well as schedule you for your Perfecting Session, take after photos, then check you out.

Is there paperwork involved?

Absolutely. Informed consent is a requirement and a must when getting any kind of treatment. You can become more informed and save time by filling the required paperwork. Please remember that you can and should submit the necessary paperwork prior to your appointment.

I have a few things going on, can I get this done?

Cosmetic tattooing is not recommended and in some situations, absolutely cannot be done when certain contraindications exist. This is by no means a complete list. Please call if you have any questions. 

  • If you are pregnant or nursing you absolutely cannot get cosmetic tattooing during this time.

  • If you are currently on or have taken Accutane in the past year, you absolutely cannot get cosmetic tattooing done. Your system must be free of Accutane for one year – no exceptions.

  • Diabetic

  • Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)

  • Viral infections and/or diseases

  • Epilepsy

  • Pacemaker or major heart problems

  • Organ transplant

  • Skin irritations, Eczema or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, etc.)

  • Acne in the treatment area cannot be worked on. You must wait until the treatment area is clear before getting a cosmetic tattoo.

  • Sick (cold, flu, etc.)

  • Botox in the past 2 weeks